Terre d'Oc

From Haute Provence to all over the world, women grow tea plants and pick the spring buds by hand following age-old tradition, others scour the foothills of the mountains to seek out new harvests in the best organic gardens or mythical plantations.

Meanwhile, in Provence, women are dreaming up and composing delicate, refined flavours or creating recipes whose character is unique. Others are designing or filling pretty, colourful tea caddies. And last but not least, others taste the harvests and control the quality of the leaves and the flavours!

For the last 25 ans, thanks to the will of a woman and her team, terre d’Oc has been working in respect for the planet and its inhabitants and is deeply committed to a true fair trade, the best of organic and a respectful world. terre d’Oc, born of the talent of women for a little more humanitea in our everyday lives!